The Milky Way Doorway To The Heavens

The Milky Way Doorway To The Heavens



The Milky Way Doorway To The Heavens,
Printed on Glossy Sticker on Plywood
60cm X 30cm

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The Milky Way Doorway To The Heavens

The Milky Way Doorway To The Heavens
Printed on Glossy Sticker on Plywood
60cm X 30cm

The Significance Of The Rainbow And The Milky Way

Upon the authority of Ibn Abbaas -Radhiyallahu 'Anhumaa - who said:

"The rainbow is a safeguard for the inhabitants of the earth that they will not be drowned (as a form of destruction as in the time of Nooh) and the Milky Way is the door of the heavens and the splitting of the heavens will begin from it (i.e on the day of Judgement)."

Collected by Imaamul Bukhaari in his Adabul Mufrad 767/590) Shaikh Albaani declared its isnaad 'Shaheeh'

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Deen Kreativez

Additional information

Dimensions 60 × 30 cm


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